9 Video Games You Didn't Know Were Connected (Commenter's Edition)
1. Papers Please / Uncharted 4
Now straight up, this is one of the weirdest and wild connections two games share yet. What with Uncharted being set in a colourful swashbuckling world and Papers Please, well being set in the total opposite. So when these two worlds collided, not only was it shocking, but hardly anyone caught on.
During the 11th Mission of Uncharted 4, Hidden in Plain Sight, Drake and Sully can end up wandering through a visa checkpoint in the city of King’s Bay. Full of people trying to get through, Sully mentions that he's not looking forward to such a cue when they go back to the States.
But what does Nathan reply with?
"Could be worse, could be Arstotzka."
These six words bring the world of Uncharted and Papers Please together. Now it just leaves us all wondering why Drake visited the dystopian Communist-controlled country. Did he come to bring "Glory to Arstotzka" or perhaps he was working with Jorji Costava on "business"?
Either way, Neil Druckmann and the rest of the brilliant minds over at Naughty Dog need to make this adventure happen, no matter how grim it might be.