9 Video Games You Played Because You Owned The Wrong System

8. Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars Jedi Starfighter

What You Wanted: Rogue Squadron 2

When it comes to Star Wars games, I feel that the space battle experiences like Rogue Squadron and the Starfighter Series often get sidelined by the big boys like Jedi Academy and Knights of The Old Republic, which is a real shame because they are both fantastic examples of what makes Star Wars so great, namely blowing aliens up and talking gubbins about The Force.

However those that bought into Sony or Microsoft's black box were kept at an arm's length from Rogue Squadron 2 as this was a Gamecube exclusive, and what an exclusive, this game was heaps of fun, so much so that fans were clamouring for a port of the game to other consoles for months after it released.

Yet after hearing all of these voices cry out at once, they were silenced in an instant when Lucasarts said Xbox and Ps2 owners would be getting their very own space flight game, Star Wars Jedi Starfighter. It might not have been the same experience that Rogue Leader had provided, but it’s arcade twitch-response shooting and huge array of ships you could pilot was a huge step up from Starfighter that had released a year prior to this, as that game was a boring piece of sith in my eyes.


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