9 Video Games You Played Because You Owned The Wrong System

2. Quest 64

Quest 64

What You Wanted: Any of the 'golden age' PS1 JRPGs.

Now technically this entry covers multiple games as in this example Quest 64 is standing for all the JRPG’s that you just couldn’t get your hands on as an N64 owner. The Ps1 had tonnes of these titles, the final fantasies, Xenogears, the Legend of Dragoon !*$% I loved that game.

What Quest 64 tried to do was be a game that provided N64 owners with an RPG experience the system so desperately lacked. Yet the question is, was it any good?

Unfortunately ...no.

Not to rub salt in the wounds of any N64 RPG fans, but playing Quest 64 was like ordering a chocolate ice cream cone and getting a punch in the mouth. It was just really, really dry, and worst still, it was actually quite broken in places, allowing you to hit max damage quickly just by using some spells in conjunction with one another.

It also lacked in the one area that JRPG’s pretty much HAVE to succeed, in that it’s narrative was nothing to write home about and lacked any sort of real charm. It’s such a shame, because there was a real need for a game to fill the void on the N64, but Quest just slapped a load of gum in the cracks and called it a day.


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