9 Ways GTA Online Has Ruined GTA

4. Story Expansions Have Been Replaced With Online DLC

Gta Online

Although the Grand Theft Auto games have always been critical darlings, on more than one occasion it's been the expansion packs that fans remember the most fondly.

The Ballad of Gay Tony and even The Lost and The Damned for GTA IV were far tighter (and far funner) than the entirety of the main game, and even outside of GTA, Rockstar have continued to prove that they're the kings of DLC expansions, with Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption also being a fan favourite.

Unfortunately though, the shift towards Online has resulted in there being no story expansions for GTA V. Despite alluding to it before release, a major DLC pack for the single-player never materialised - much to the chagrin of fans of the series.

The online DLC is fine enough, but it doesn't come close to the polish or the ambition found in Rockstar's story expansions, and far from makes up for their absence.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3