9 Ways GTA Online Has Ruined GTA

3. It's Quantity Over Quality

GTA Online

Rockstar have long since moved away from the days of releasing constant spin-offs and sequels to their games, and while I've already mentioned that this can lead to some excruciatingly long gaps between releases, it's always ensured that the titles themselves were of the highest quality.

Since GTA Online took off though, the devs have become more known for their hubris than they have for their restraint. While the constant stream of free updates has kept the game alive, very little of it has been worth writing home about. The DLC packs are incredibly hit and miss, and for every major new heist there's been a string of disposable adversary modes that have only served to clutter the game's already-packed playground.

The approach has transformed the multiplayer into a bonafide cash cow, but it's become a quantity-over-quality situation - a mentality that Rockstar hopefully won't carry over to their upcoming releases.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3