9 Ways Resident Evil 7 Is Already Better Than 6

6. A Return To Isolated Locations

resident evil 7

Resident Evil 6 certainly was ambitious; its globe-spanning campaign taking you from China to Washington and ending in Eastern Europe. But the thing that's instantly wrong with that? The name of the series is Resident Evil, itself a pun on the nature of scary things happening within humble abodes (no, seriously).

By taking the franchise further and further away from anything resembling confinement and instead letting us sprint through streets, trading gunfire with gun-toting zombie-types, it had about as much to do with the series' original vision as the PS VR does with accurate motion tracking (sorry).

Still, the fact remains that in general, horror works best when the viewer/player is forced into confined spaces. It was one of the quintessential reasons why being locked in a mansion with a ton of zombies and unknown jump-scares was so effective, or why being trapped by the Nemesis with no way to go still lingers in the memory to this day.

Fans have wanted the 'resident' part of Resident Evil to make a return for quite some time, and you can't get more "what the people demand" than returning to a whopping great mansion that looks very close to that of the original.

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