9 Ways Resident Evil 7 Is Already Better Than 6

5. Actually Enjoyable Melee Combat

RESIDENT evil 7 axe

Let's be bluntly honest: Melee combat has always sucked in Resident Evil.

No matter if it was the isometric delights of the old school, or the over-shoulder action of the last three main instalments, we're always left awkwardly flailing melee weapons in mid air, never quite standing in the right position for a proper connection.

RE 4 onwards brought in contextual finishers for wounded enemies, but it didn't get away from the fact that going toe-to-undead toe was never anyone's first port of call. Now, with the series switching perspective comes a rework of every base game mechanic - including melee combat.

The ESRB leak clarified that we'll get our hands on the likes of "pistols, shotguns, flamethrowers, explosives, and chainsaws", but you have to imagine the actual feel of encounters will have real weight behind them, a la Dead Island, Condemned or The Chronicles of Riddick.

Capcom have been quick to point out that your character should never by any means feel overpowered, but by peppering longer slogs of survival with the table-turning rev of a chainsaw, well, you've played the final few levels of Manhunt, right?

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