9 Ways Video Games Punished Rage-Quitters
2. Quitter Shaming - Gears Of War 4
In its heyday Gears of War 4 had an enormous problem with players rage-quitting left, right, and centre when things weren’t going their way.
In order to combat this and ensure the integrity and quality of multiplayer matches could be maintained for the rest of the non-ragey Gears of War 4 players, developer The Coalition implemented a bunch of different anti-quitting measures. One of these was quitter shaming in ranked matches wherein any player who left a match before its conclusion would have the word ‘QUIT’ as their score.
Alongside that addition, frequent Gears of War 4 offenders would find themselves with a matchmaking ban that increases over time and, again, that suspension time is advertised on the scoreboard for all to see.
Naturally, this name-and-shame method accidentally became a badge of honour for some players but it’s safe to say it worked for the most part.
It’s worth mentioning that those who dropped out due to internet connectivity issues were protected by a five-minute window that allowed them to rejoin the match without penalty. Assuming they were able to.