9 Worst Video Games Of 2015 (So Far)

7. Evolve

Considering the talent behind Evolve (Left 4 Dead's Turtle Rock Studios) any shooter-fans really were really pinning all their hopes on the team delivering another multiplayer experience that would essentially redefine how much fun you could have online with friends. Sadly, as was another attempt at supplying customers with the framework of a product that could later be filled in with downloadable content, Evolve's base game did come with a 'single player campaign' (comprised of bots keeping you company the same as online), a marketplace of skins for characters and weapons that should've been available from the beginning, and a sense of "Seen it all" after just one game. See, the idea of a diametrically opposed multiplayer setup is a fantastic one - as one mode, not an entire game. Playing as the monster and mashing puny soldiers into paste was fun for a while, as was trying out the human classes and chasing down the hulking creature to reenact any "We're being hunted..."-style confrontation in your favourite Predator-style movie of choice. After that though, it was a steady decline for casual and hardcore fans, resulting now in servers about as active as Arnold Schwarzenegger's create spark.
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