9 Worst Video Games Of 2015 (So Far)

6. Destiny - House Of Wolves

Yes, Destiny came out last year and no, it's highly unlikely anyone's ever going to stop going on about how terrible/amazing, soulless/explorative, money-sucking/rewarding it all is - mostly because each subsequent expansion seems so shake up the core game so much it can be revisited all over again. Sound polarising? It is, because Destiny fans have evolved into a spectacularly naive bunch, as the rest of us watch and sigh in unison. They forever throw their coins at a brick wall fronted by a big Bungie logo, hoping over time it'll eventually bear fruit, but that's only resulted in a small piece of said wall crumbling and being offered up to the masses in attendance, to which they gobble it up and savour every last particle within, continually telling themselves it was worth it. The reality is Destiny's second 'major', 'game-changing' expansion did nothing to fix the problems therein. There were story missions in name only, as the actual narrative is completely devoid of pathos or anything resembling an engaging delivery, 'new' weapons that amounted to more modifiers on the existing handful of types, and retained the broken unrewarding 'loot system' that's plagued the experience since launch. It makes sense (if you subscribe to the business mindset Activision and Bungie are holding to) to hold back the best content until later on down the line and keeping hooked, and although The Taken King is meant to essentially be "a whole new game" all over again, House of Wolves was nowhere near as gratifying as it needed to be.
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Gaming Editor

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