9 Worst Video Games Of 2015 (So Far)

5. Raven's Cry

It's a weird thing when a game copies something else wholeheartedly. In movies you see the likes of John Wick aping cult successes like Taken or any other stripped-down revenge flick and you go "Awesome, I know what I'm in for, bring it on!". In gaming that approach falls down - save for Shadow of Mordor, which seemed to take Assassin's Creed's base formulae and revitalise it through the endlessly fun Nemesis System - as if you can't refine the gameplay aspect of your experience to somewhere close to the original, gamers will just play that instead. Raven's Cry is such an attempt, an 'I-can't-believe-it's-not-copyright-infringement' take on Assassin's Creed's fourth instalment, nicking everything from the HUD layout to the ship combat, multi-enemy melee swipes and everything in between. It was about as polished as a real life pirate was an upstanding member of the community, crashed at random times, had godawful voice acting, treatment of women and a general approach to development where you can envision the creative department cackling away as they ruminate on just how much they were going to "Get some of that Assassin's Creed money!" - only to fall flat on their collective faces.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.