9 Worst Video Games Of 2015 (So Far)

4. Screamride

You have to feel sorry for Microsoft a little. They had this massive overarching idea for the 'future of the industry' with the Kinect and its crazy multi-layered operating system inside the Xbox One and its dual processors... and it all fell apart at a moment's notice when the public got eyes on the hardware itself. From then on in they've been trying to regain public favour, Screamride being a 'high-octane' physics-based minigame collection that initially should've been something that would appeal to a wider Wii-obsessed crowd. However, following the flaming wreck that became the Kinect's rollout and general perception across the last year or so, Microsoft have moved away from it altogether, leaving this theme park ride-style 'interactive experience' to be played with a controller. With the core hook gone you're left to barrel around scripted track sequences at speeds that might just ruffle a hair on your head if you're really engrossed, but the general feel on what is such a one-and-done product is that it's far more at home on a tablet, or as an app in terms of scale - not by any means a fully priced showcase of Xbox One tech.
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Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.