9 Worst Video Games Of 2015 (So Far)

3. Game Of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series

For many, the idea of a Game of Thrones tie-in game was cause for huge celebration - until you realised Telltale were going to be responsible, meaning it'll either be a Walking Dead season one... or a Jurassic Park. Put simply, Telltale struck gold with their episodic 'narrative experience' game design, and since the first zombie-infested experience took off, everybody from Borderlands to Minecraft (?!) has been getting a tie-in story-based release. For 'Thrones it all started positively enough, putting you right in the middle of season 3's murder-filled Red Wedding setup, before dovetailing out into the interweaving problems of a new family (The Forresters), interjecting main characters from the show here and there. The problem is with the studio taking so many projects on at once, it's meant at some point in development the requisite layer of polish that should apply to a finished product goes amiss. That's left players with scenarios appearing entirely in silence, janky awkward animation across the board, a very, very bad graphics 'engine'/colour filter that makes everything appear very blurry - and the knowledge that although the main characters' woes are compelling, its things like having a showdown with Cersei Lannister or simply being present during a certain tyrannical King's murder that stand out instead. In the end there just aren't enough of these moments you'll be dying to talk more about that could mask the negatives, which ironically has become the problem with the TV counterpart as well.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.