AEW Video Game Wishlist: 10 Things Fans Demand

1. Elite GM Integration

AEW Video Games WWE 2K22

AEW's Elite General Manager mobile game launched to a mixed response this past July. It's certainly fun to d*ck around with for a half hour or so here and there, but GM could be so much more. Perhaps Yuke's would be interested in making it part of something bigger in the main AEW game?

That'd scratch an itch that's been bugging wrestling gamers for a generation now; WWE's series hasn't included a GM Mode since SmackDown vs. Raw 2008, and a comeback constantly sits atop fan wishlists for 2K. What if AEW are the ones to do it instead? What if they integrate their mobile game into a full-priced feature?

Sounds tasty.

The USP here could be that players can tweak things on the management side via their phones as and when they like. Then, when they boot up their console of choice, they can dive deeper into the mode and properly manage AEW day-to-day.

What else do you want to see from AEW's video game? For more wrestling gaming, check out WWE 2K22 Wishlist: 10 Things Fans NEED To See and WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.