WWE 2K22: 10 Ways To Save MyCareer Mode
2K22's MyCareer needs to stop thinking you don't want to play as WWE's finest.

The humble joy of taking a lowly WWE star from forgettable episodes of Main Event to the brightest of bright lights at WrestleMania supercards should be a given in wrestling video games. Instead, 2K believe that players only want to create bland, by-the-numbers indy hopefuls and go from zero to hero on a whistle stop tour of NXT, SmackDown, Raw, 'Mania, the Hall Of Fame and beyond.
It's...awkwardly paced to say the least.
Much has been written about how 2K22 must be the best WWE game in a long time. At the same time, there are genuine worries that the developers will continue to troll everybody by pumping out an unfinished product that fails to satisfy the hunger for a truly brilliant brawler.
There's a lot of anxiety generally, but MyCareer has become such a huge part of these titles that 2K simply have to nail it this time. Despite the mode's occasional positives, it remains at odds with the reason why most would purchase a game with WWE's name on it.
Here's how 2K can put things right and make MyCareer your new favourite thing.
10. Have Likeable Main Characters

2K call customisable cast members 'MyPlayers'. If that sounds a little too Wii avatar-ish, then don't be surprised: 2K20's MyCareer characters Tre and Red were about as lifelike as those little cartoons you'd see on Nintendo's old hardware.
They were just so unlikeable.
Tone is a real problem in this mode. The writers seem to think that pro wrestling hopefuls are more akin to David Arquette in Ready To Rumble than they are to grounded, sensible human beings. So, cue the "comedy" and "wacky antics" that seems to follow them everywhere like they're locked in a mid-2000s teen movie.
2K22 has to iron this out by introducing well-rounded people who, whilst desperate to make it in WWE, don't come across as mortifying super-fans that 'OMG' their way through conversations just because Bobby Lashley walked past backstage.
Likeable protagonists are a must.