Aliens: Colonial Marines: 10 Reasons You Should Be Excited

2. Reliving Prior Experiences

The most admirable effect this game seeks is its commitment to rekindling nostalgia, which can be achieved in a number of ways, how game-play mechanics function, the presentation which is reminiscent of the film or how characters are designed to be essentially a love letter to the characters in Aliens. Another great feature is the option for cooperative play in single-player, supporting up to four players online and two player split-screen. You play through set-pieces where you're allowed to let loose pulse rifles and smart guns, and moments of horror as you witness the egg chamber with victims of the facehugger stuck to the wall with the signature ooze the xenos produce. It is moments like those that are priceless and elevates the fan-love for the product. So as much as I am looking forward to the game's expansive story and the chance to annihilate xenomorphAs with the smart gun, the thought of re-awaking old emotions I felt when watching Aliens for first time makes it my most anticipated title thus far.

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