Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 10 Features Fans Are BEGGING For

7. Diving

Animal Crossing New Horizons crafting

New Horizons leans deep into the island setting. Tom Nook has ditched his iconic sweater for a more mellow Hawaiian-style shirt, Dodo Airlines offer a number of tropical destinations to fly to, and the cool, breezy nights can turn into tarantula-haunted runs for your life during the winter and spring months.

Despite that foreboding latter part, your island’s sunny days make you want to put on some swim trunks, gulp a refreshing coconut drink, and frolic in the beautiful blue waves with your friends and villagers.

But that's, unfortunately, a pipe dream.

While diving was introduced in New Leaf, the feature is absent in New Horizons. In fact, players can’t so much as dip a toe into their gorgeous island tides.

In New Leaf, diving was a way to collect deep-sea creatures to donate to the town’s museum. The possibilities could be endless if Nintendo decides to implement diving into New Horizons, with new fish to catch and side-quests. Players can't even make a splash in crafted swimming pools that serve as cosmetics only. Fans are looking forward to a day they can invite guests to sit and relax in their island's bodies of water.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.