Anthem: 10 Major Fixes It Desperately Needs

1. Add A Stats Screen

Anthem Bioware E3 2018 17

For a looter-shooter - or, really, any action-RPG - it's incredibly odd how little emphasis Anthem places on a player's individual stats.

Given how you'll see numbers come flying off enemies as you fire rounds into them, players are surprisingly denied the chance to fuss over their own stats and personalise their loadout down to the most basic information about health, armour, damage and so on.

It is baffling, honestly, and though BioWare has already remarked that they are looking to add a stats breakdown in the near-future, the fact it wasn't included day one is a sad indicator of just how roughshod this game's production truly was.

People love to obsess over numbers in games like this, so why the hell wouldn't you let them? It's an easy way to get people addicted to the loot grind, keep them playing and maybe even have them invest in some tasty micro-transactions down the line. Don't you love money after all, EA?

What's your take on Anthem so far? Got any other suggestions to fix the game? Shout them out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.