Anthem: 10 Major Fixes It Desperately Needs

7. Make Freeplay At Least 16-Players

Anthem Bioware E3 2018 6

Once players realised Anthem's campaign wasn't up to much, at least they had Freeplay to mess around in, right?

Well, that turned out to be a crushing disappointment also, the main reason being that it only allows four players to reside within the vast open world.

Wait, what?

Despite the obvious appeal of flying around the world, meeting new players and grouping up inside an instance of fellow Freelancers, you're stuck with just three fellow humans, and if those people suck, you need to leave Freeplay and start matchmaking all over again.

It wasn't an unreasonable expectation that Freeplay would feature at least 8 players within the same living world - or, really, 16 - allowing you to switch things up if boredom sets in and hang out with different groups of players within the same server. Plus, this would allow larger world events requiring 4+ players to pool their resources.

But instead, Anthem rigidly says four players or bust, which in conjunction with Freeplay's generally restrictive nature, makes a potentially glorious sandbox mode both boring and frustrating.

Quadrupling the player count may be challenging technically, but remember that the Launch Bay does allow more players within the same physical space.

Yes, an actual open world with a dozen-or-so players would be far more taxing on hardware resources, but other games have pulled this off just fine, and yes, we're quite reasonably holding a AAA EA tentpole to that same standard.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.