Anthem: 10 Major Fixes It Desperately Needs

6. Overhaul The Loot System

Anthem game

There's no way to be kind about this - the loot system in Anthem sucks. Given that it was marketed as a "looter shooter", it's staggering just how little meaningful loot is on offer both in terms of cosmetics and functionality.

Most of the guns are just boring retreads of one another with no distinctive personality, and overall there's precious little that distinguishes higher-level players from newbies, so why even bother?

This will likely prove fatal for the game's soulless post-game grind, which so far hasn't really given players much reason to keep pushing ahead. Without drastic changes, it's likely that many will abandon it relatively quickly (if not already).

The loot grind should provide unique goodies for players who invest the time, but the entire means through which players can acquire, view and use equipment is inane.

You need to go to the Forge to equip items and then venture out into a mission to give them a try, whereas just about any loot-driven game worth its salt allows players to switch things up on-the-fly.

Making players do anything more than enter a menu to switch out equipment is unacceptable, and is emblematic of just how mind-bogglingly stupid the game's overall design philosophy is.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.