Anthem: 10 Major Fixes It Desperately Needs

5. Make Tombs Of The Legionnaires Optional

Anthem Tombs Of The Legionnaires

Though the infamous mid-game quest Tombs of the Legionnaires has been cleaned up a little since the early launch, it's still an unnecessary slog of a fetch quest which requires players to carry out an indecent number of collectathons in order to unlock tombs and progress.

It is by far the most widely complained-about aspect of the game, but even with some of the more nagging issues having been ironed out - chests can now be opened by any player and give credit to everyone - it still feels like a glorified chore of a side mission intended solely to pad the piecemeal campaign out.

That's not to ignore the bizarre inability to set waypoint markers for the tombs or pin the collection requirements to the screen during play, among other basic functionality elements you'd reasonably expect in a game of this sort.

Instead the mission is a clumsy mess and one which shouldn't be inflicted on players unless they absolutely wish to take on the repetitive challenge for themselves.

But without Tombs of the Legionnaires, Anthem's core campaign easily clocks in at less than 10 hours, so BioWare probably won't scrub it from the critical path, sadly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.