Anthem: 4 Reasons To Be Excited (And 3 To Be Worried)

5. BioWare’s Ten Year Journey

anthem game

BioWare have claimed that Anthem could be 'part of a ten year journey' for the company, suggesting the game will be supported by both DLC and sequels. While this is par for the course for many games these days, Andromeda looks unlikely to get either, even if they do return to the Mass Effect franchise one day.

Though talk of companies being on a 'journey' can feel like just spouting buzzwords, Anthem does mark a new direction. Obviously, there's the online factor. While it has been present in BioWare's releases since Mass Effect 3 in 2012, it's always been tacked on and barely linked to the campaign, if at all. In Anthem though, the online aspect is front and centre.

There is another departure from BioWare's usual RPG brand present in Anthem too. The announcement of party members in Dragon Age or Mass Effect game sees message boards awash with one question: who are the romance options? As more characters get revealed for Anthem, that question will be nowhere to be seen; BioWare have confirmed there will be zero romance here.

While you will still be able to interact with companions with a degree of agency, Anthem will be all business.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)