Apex Legends: 10 Best Weapons - Ranked

8. Prowler Burst PDW

Apex Legends best weapons Wingman

If you pick it up with no attachments, then the Prowler is... fine. It fires in a five-round burst and if you manage to land each of those shots you'll inflict an impressive amount of damage, but if you miss, you're in trouble, since the time between bursts - plus the time lost when you missed - means that an enemy with a full-auto gun will be able to down you much quicker than you can down them.

But pick it up and equip a Selectfire Receiver and it becomes a lot better. This attachment will allow you to enable full-auto mode, which essentially turns the Prowler into a more powerful version of the Alternator, complete with a higher base magazine size. At range you're still toast, but with the Selectfire Receiver in hand, you can safely take the Prowler into late-game encounters knowing you have a powerful close-to-mid-range weapon backing you up.

Unfortunately, the gun's recoil is difficult to manage, and it absolutely burns through ammo, especially if you're shooting at an enemy with a blue, purple, or gold shield. So if you know you're headed somewhere quite open towards the end of the game - like Water Treatment - then it's hard to recommend the Prowler, Selectfire Receiver or not.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.