2. The Maps
If you watched the trailer without any previous knowledge, you would assume that it showcased many different sections of many different maps. However this is not the case. The trailer was composed of only one map (called Blackgate Prison) and it was huge! There seemed to be over three levels to play on with Batman's gargoyles and roofs being the top and Bane's dark underground being the bottom-most. The command post is located in the center of everything and never gets to see any peace. Even with such a big map, there is action at every turn. Maps will be jam-packed with interactable environments such as vents and vantage points for Batman and Robin, along with destructible walls and paneling which can be used by everyone. Thugs can also gun down over-head gargoyles and light fixtures rendering them useless to both the Bat and the Boy Wonder. Maps also have different 'gang-bases' where members of each group can go to claim prizes from their leaders and also take control of their bosses and we'll say more about that in a bit (I know you've been patient. It's up next, I promise). The gear will appear at a gang's base once they have completed certain challenges or scored a certain amount of points. The bases are at different ends of the map and unintentionally work as safe havens of sorts. Since all of the action happens in the middle of the arena, it seems as though players controlling thugs would have no reason to venture into enemy lines. However, there may be a Bat in the shadows who works by his own agenda. Although it has not been revealed how many maps there will be (or where they will be located), we know that there will certainly be more, and this is something to be excited about. As long as each arena is as dynamic as Blackgate, us gamers will enjoy it. Hopefully we will get an Arkham Asylum map or even an Arkham City one. Despite the fact that they certainly wouldn't tie into the story behind the single-player campaign, it seems as though the multiplayer takes place in it's own world and opens these up as possibilities.