Assassin's Creed 2017: 10 Time Periods We Want To See

4. Medieval England

for honor

What could be more perfect than Medieval England? Well, Medieval Scotland, but that’s not the point. Being an assassin in the times of knights and kings and castles would be a perfect setting for Assassin’s Creed. Not only do you have the beautiful architecture of castles and great cathedrals to clamber across and set assassinations in, but you have the wealth of famous medieval backdrops, too.

The War Of The Roses, The Hundred Year War, Elizabethan era, The Norman Invasion, Viking attacks to name just a few of the major political and war based events that could spark any number of brilliant set-pieces, plots, interesting missions and things to do.

You could go risky and have a game set during the time of the black plague or at least have it feature. There were several feudal times in the Medieval era that can lead to assassinations and attack opportunities, not to mention that social unrest was big in England. The Peasants revolt could be the perfect chance for Assassin’s Creed to play to the underdog story that they have been using for all the games.

Just for once I’d like to see the assassins be the big wigs and have the Templars scurrying in the dirt, but I digress...


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.