Assassin's Creed 2017: 10 Time Periods We Want To See

2. Ancient Egypt

assassin's creed egypt

The rumoured setting of the as-yet confirmed title, Assassin’s Creed: Empire, Ancient Egypt is a fitting choice that would be a welcome land to explore.

The multitude of famous landmarks and ancient sights to clamber all over and explore are endless, with Egypt holding host to a whole plethora of ancient structures. The Pyramids, The Sphinx, the many great tombs of the Pharaohs are all crying out to be the subject of an Assassin’s parkour skills - not to mention the opportunities for story and historical events.

Dependant on which particular portion of the period Ubisoft decide to go with, we could have a myriad of events. Cleopatra and perhaps involvement of Julius Caesar and the Roman empire, all of which could branch into absolutely outstanding time periods.

Also, when considering that Ubisoft want to take a more open world approach, you must consider the fact that exploring vast open deserts with small pockets of populations would be a welcome change of pace throughout the game. It would be tough to work it into an Assassin’s Creed game mind you, but could be unbelievable.

And of course, the fact that Precursor artefacts and Egypt fit together perfectly hasn't escaped my notice. They could finally take the precursor storyline to new levels, in a setting that 'support's their existence, to a certain degree. It fits more than Syndicate did, anyway.

Just don’t go telling me that Juno and her God buddies built the Pyramids. That’s too far!


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.