Assassin's Creed Origins: 10 Past Mistakes Ubisoft Can't Repeat

4. Weapon Variety Should Actually Mean Something

Assassin's Creed Origins

AC games have never lacked an imaginative selection of weapons for players to use, but at some point over the years the differences between them all became meaningless.

Because while the series has always divided its combat arsenal into distinct types - mainly short swords, daggers, and big two-handers - there's never been any real reason to choose between the different weapons that fall into these categories.

For the most part every new rapier or broadsword shares the same animations and results in the same playstyle, and it's only the numbers and the aesthetics that change. Likewise the series' combat formula is so rote and predictable that the starting sword is often all you need, and there's no real incentive for players to switch up their weapons or approach to fighting.

It's a problem that's haunted the series since the beginning, and if Assassin's Creed Origins is really going to overhaul its combat, it needs to start by making its weapons actually appealing to use.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3