Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know

11. Minimap Is Gone

Assassin S Creed Origins Gameplay

Say goodbye to the GTA-aping mini-map and hello to an Elder Scrolls/Fallout-esque proximity bar instead.

Whilst this won't change gameplay too much, removing and streamlining some of the clutter onscreen can pay dividends when attempting to keep the player constantly engaged. And going off just how stunning the landscapes of Origins are, you'll want to drink as much in as possible.

In practicality, having this wider bar of objectives and markers assumedly means you can spy things to do from farther away, rather than the somewhat outdated combination of a minimap and constant pausing to consult the full version.

A smart change if it results in enjoying the act of going from point of interest to point of interest. Lord knows AC Unity was the peak of cluttering the map with icons, so if there's always something to check out just around the corner, this could really help the flow of gameplay.

Gaming Editor
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