Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know

10. Mid-Air Bow & Arrow Combat

Assassin S Creed Origins Bow Arrow

Someone's been playing Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild. Both open-world titles allowed you to slow time to a crawl in mid-air, firing off a number of arrows to thin the enemy ranks before landing, and ACO is no different.

However, assumedly this ability is upgradeable as in the brief Xbox teaser we saw, Ba Yek was only able to line up his shot for a few seconds. Such was the case in Horizon too, but as Zelda fans will know, leaping through the air and letting loose a handful of shots - only for them all to connect with enemies at the same time you hit the ground - is a fantastic feeling.

2017: The Year of the Bow.

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