Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know
8. A Loot Grind/System
A grumble for some and a palm-rubbing delight for others: Assassin's Creed is getting - like every other game under the sun at this point - a loot system.
In the footage provided, we're privy to Ba Yek picking up 'Amenhotep's Bow', which comes with enhanced 'stealth damage', a better combo multiplier and health restoration after every kill. It's clear that by implementing a proper loot system, Ubi can totally shake up what Assassin's Creed 'is', allowing you to personalise infiltration methods and characters - though they'll need far more unique abilities than just stat modifiers.
The last loot system Ubi attempted was the complete disaster in For Honor - a game that very rarely rewarded players with what they wanted, falling back on microtransactions to unlock the full array of gear. A bevy of patches later and balance has been restored, though you have to wonder how much Ubi will be throwing out 'Deluxe Editions' with 'better loot', or falling back on blind boxes to keep stringing fans along.
Loot systems can be fantastic, but Ubi are yet to design one at this stage.