Assassin's Creed Origins: 12 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know

7. Fire Multiple Arrows At Once (Up To Five)

Assassin S Creed Origins Arrow

Right then, onto one of the things AC has consistently done better than almost any open-world action game - making you feel like a complete group-killing badass.

For Origins, we see Ba Yek is capable of loading up multiple arrows into his bow (up to five, by the looks of it, though expect that to be upgradeable), before letting them loose to slay a load of foes at once. This once again somewhat mimics Horizon, as Aloy could notch a couple of extra arrows for more damage, though Ba Yek's ability to control arrows in mid-air almost drives them to seek out enemies instead.

This marks the second time we've seen an almost supernatural power shown off in base gameplay, as AC: Syndicate's Evie could trigger an invisibility mode after levelling her up.

Still, Ubisoft are really amping up the importance and implementation of the bow as something you'll come to rely on, and with abilities like this, it'll be a crowd-clearer for sure.

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