Assassin's Creed Origins: 5 Locations We Need To See After Egypt

3. Occupied Paris

Assassins Creed Origins

At some point, Assassin's Creed is going to have to go back to a city it has already been to. The city of Love could be one such place, only replace love with Nazis. Paris was occupied by the Nazis from 1940 to 1944. The food was rationed and there was a curfew between 9 pm and 5 am. A perfect setting for Assassins with a cause.

Fighting the Nazis would be the backbone of the game. Hitler had a known interest in treasures and mythology, what if he was on the search for a piece of Eden in occupied Paris? The Assassins, with the help of the resistance, could stand in his way. Ubisoft could even spice it up by having the Assassins and Templars form a pact to stop a common enemy because even the Templars would probably not take kindly to being associated with Nazis.

Once again, more modern weapons would possibly force a revamp of combat, but an emphasis on total stealth is something fans have been clamoring for and a setting like this would necessitate such a move. Assassin's Creed Unity did have a brief diversion into Occupied Paris, with the protagonist climbing the Eiffel Tower in a hailstorm of Messerschmitt fighters. It was enough to wet the appetite for a full game set there.


Freelance writer who is working his way through life one Wispa at a time. Gaming, F1 and WWE expert (he believes) and a die hard Arsenal fan for his sins. Please, he doesn't need your sympathy.