Assassin's Creed: 10 Times The Templars Were Right

2. Robert De Sable Calling Out Al Mualim - Assassin's Creed

Right from the opening memory of the original Assassin's Creed, Robert de Sable, 11th Grand Master of the Knights Templar, is shown to be public enemy number one to any self-respecting Assassin.

A brutal, formidable enemy to Altair and co., Robert is one of King Richard I's chief generals in the Third Crusade, but has been hard at work throughout the game trying to lure leading Crusaders and Saracens to his Templar Order. Genuinely believing he was on the road to securing peace for the Holy Land, albeit with any freedom for the people living within it, Robert was finally brought to justice by Altair on the eve of the Battle of Arsuf where the two clashed.

However, Robert had one final revelation for the Assassin to digest. The Templar Grand Master revealed that Assassin head honcho, Al Mualim, had been the evil mastermind behind the entire game's events and had only instructed Altair to kill all of his targets so that he could steal away the Piece of Eden and its powers for himself.

Robert was absolutely right of course, and his revelation to Altair undoubtedly remains one of the best moments in the entire Assassin's Creed franchise to this day.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.