Assassin's Creed 2020: 8 Improvements Fans Need To See

6. Make Stealth Truly Great

Assassins Creed Japan

A by-product of the RPG nature of the game, it's a shame to see such an integral part of the series go down such a lacklustre route.

At the moment, the stealth system either feels extremely satisfying (wait for it), or like a way to get some damage in before you actually fight an enemy, with no in-between, making an improvement on the current system absolutely necessary.

To not have to re-do the entirety of the way the game plays, the best option would probably be to use a more realistic damage model, while in stealth (though it'd be great to have it across the all of the experience), which would negate the latter of our aforementioned qualms and make players feel like the badass assassins they're supposed to.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!