Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Killer Features That Sound Completely Awesome

4. Naval Warfare

We have sailed on ships in AC before... in the cutscenes. Now, we get to captain our own boat and explore the open-waters. It's a completely new aspect to the series and a new form of gameplay entirely. Not only can we set sail and explore new lands (The Caribbean), but we will also have to defend ourselves from British naval fleets and pirates. It has not been revealed yet, but I assume that there will also be a way to upgrade your ship and make repairs to it. I have been asked my opinion on whether or not Naval Battles would become a multiplayer mode in this new game. Although I do not think it is, I do not rule out the option of it being a futre DLC pack or free add-on. It may also be an exclusive DLC for those who have purchased the AC3 Season Pass. In previous games we had the ability to find citizens and make them assassins, I do not know if we will have to recruit sailors in this way as well. And if so, will we have to pay them for their services? That is one of the few concerns I have with this otherwise well done feature. We can't wait to set sail, explore, loot and much more with this new form of AC gameplay.

An avid reader of films and TV shows, Costandinos Karalis enjoys nearly every genre and sub-genre known to mankind. His week usually consists of eating cereal and writing. Occasionally he will enter productive mode and actually do something, but until then, he keeps up-to-date on everything that Doctor Who and DC Comics have to offer.