Assassin’s Creed 3: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

8. Fluid Sprinting

If you€™ve seen the trailer (again, I€™m certain you will have), you€™ll have noticed the absence of the traditional stop/start dynamic you€™ve come to expect from a melee combat focused game like Assassin€™s Creed, as you wait, block, counter, rinse, repeat. In AC III€™s trailer Connor moves between targets like a bolt of white lightning, striking each opponent dead before moving on to the next with barely a second spent stationary. You€™ll be able to jump through open windows, slide beneath approaching carts or low hanging branches without any slow-down in Connor€™s mobility and of course free running in general has much more of an emphasis on total fluidity. This new sprinting mechanic also has an effect on combat and allows you to perform deadly assassinations while in full sprint; according to all sources, AC III isn€™t about observing patterns of enemy attack, predicting their movements before choosing the ideal time to attack as were the previous titles. No, no. It€™s about picking lines through the enemy; taking the most efficient and deadly route through your attackers so that you never actually have to stop. Of course you€™ll find yourself stationary from time to time but by all accounts AC III doesn€™t want you to have to slow down if you choose not to.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.