Assassin's Creed: Every Major Villain RANKED

5. Dr Warren Vidic - Assassin's Creed To Assassin's Creed III

Assassin's creed rodrigo borgia

Whatever your thoughts may be on the series' modern day elements, these sections were nonetheless an integral part of the earlier games as we followed deadbeat bartender Desmond Miles train to become an Assassin while on the run from the Templar-ran Abstergo Industries. And the face of this company was Warren Vidic.

One of the very first characters we met in the series, Vidic was the director of the Animus Project and the one hunting Desmond and his ragtag team of associates down until his death in Assassin's Creed III.

Although Vidic's only major role in the series was in the first game where his Templar reveal was a major (but not completely unsurprising) twist, he remained the main antagonist for the modern day sections for years to come, with the narrow escapes from his clutches being a promise for things to come.

Despite his longevity in the series, Vidic never received the same status as historic counterparts. Though his death was rather unceremonious (and ironic), shot by his own guards under the control of the artefact he was so desperate for, his impact on the series cannot be underestimated.

Hopefully another modern day villain will take his place in Valhalla.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.