Assassin's Creed Movie Trailer: 11 Things You Totally Missed

9. Fassbender Gets To Keep His Fingers

assassin's creed movie

In the original Assassin's Creed, part of being a member of the Assassin Order meant losing your ring finger, as the wrist-mounted blades they carry formed more of a 'punch' if they replaced a primary digit.

This was to aid in combat and general use as being far less noticeable, but across the games - and in the 13th Century if we look at the timeline - the blades were 'modified' to work without slicing off part of your hand.

In the trailer it's worth pointing out that although this is the first instalment in what could run and run where sequels are concerned, we're not dealing with an Assassin Order that have such a method of initiation.

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