Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 18 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Stack Engravings To Make Them Worthwhile

assassins creed odyssey

It's a triple-A game in 2018, so of course there's an incremental, percentage-based progression in here somewhere.

For Odyssey it's the "Engravings"; small (and I do mean small) gems you can lock into armour and weapons. Though they feel pointless on face value, these "+2% [insert status effect]" bonuses are meant to be stacked across an entire outfit or loadout.

Make a point of sticking to one "type" of Engraving (say, Assassin Damage), and apply it across all three of your weapons and your armour. Quickly that 2-5% buff has turned into 20-40%, making all the difference to a tank or stealth-based build.

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