Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Most Exciting Features From E3

7. Pick-Up Missions

A new feature that was shown in the longer single player gameplay video was some sort of pick-up side mission that you can just come across while going through the streets of Paris. While these have been included to a certain extent in previous games, they€™ve often been limited to stuff like delivering mail or running around to track down members of a Boston/New York based fight club. Instead, in AC:U it appears that a series of murder mysteries will have to be uncovered and as indicated by the above screenshot, there are at least 11 of them. Indeed it seems that the co-op multiplayer mode is being built seamlessly into the main storyline, as a prompt which appears later on in the trailer reads, €œBrotherhood Missions; Austrian Audacity; Difficulty 3; Players 4 Max€. An eagle eye will spot the couple of frames where it states that another gamer is already playing that mission €“ someone called Altair1789 €“ and it seems that you can immediately jump into their run-through. It€™ll be interesting to see how this works €“ will be it be much like a MMORPG where you enter a queue alongside other people online to join together to complete it, or will the first player start the mission? If so, how is that then balanced as more gamers join in?

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.