Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Most Exciting Features From E3

5. Proper Crowd Scenes

It seems that with Unity there will be proper crowd scenes for the first time, with an appropriate number of people on the screen at once. While the series has tried this before, it didn't feel organic - for example in AC3 where Connor is in the middle of the Battle of Bunker Hill, most of the soldiers were rendered as a background, making it feel like there was never a lot of people there. The designers must have realised that when people think about gaming in the French Revolution, they expect to have hordes of peasants rushing troops wearing fancy uniforms €“ and that it couldn€™t be delivered if a mob was only going to consist of 12 people. So in AC4 there are multiple scenes with hundreds of people milling around and for once the streets actually feel full without the same twenty animations taking place over and over again. Of course this has a major impact on stealth, because instead of trying to find a group of dancers to hide about in, the player character can instead enter one of the large mobs and immediately be hidden from the authorities. Be that as it may, a large cluster of people can be difficult to move through and in the video, it seems more proficient to move above the people rather than through them.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.