Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Most Exciting Features From E3

4. Tougher Brutes

The normal enemies in the Assassin€™s Creed franchise tend to follow a set template. There are the common soldiers with different weapons and then there are the more heavily armoured and slower brutes. In the single player demonstration shown at E3, a sequence is shown where our Assassin takes on three enemies €“ the first two are dispatched quickly and then we are shown a brute for the first time. To a well-practised AC gamer, a brute is no problem unless they attack you unawares. In Black Flag, all you needed to do was to break his defence and then finish him off. It certainly seems that this easy dispatch method no longer exists in Unity unless Ubisoft were deliberately avoiding showing it. The other major difference is the health bar added to the enemy, the first time this has been seen for a common baddie in the series. Of course the size of the bar doesn€™t seem to be too much of a problem as once a combo is hit, the brute is quickly dispatched. But if a health bar is stuck onto an enemy, then they will certainly appear elsewhere and it means that the boss fights might be a bit more interesting than they have been on occasion in the past.

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