Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Most Exciting Features From E3
3. Multiple Objectives And Methods
One of the greatest parts of Assassins Creed is the variety of objectives within the game and the volume of ways to complete missions. From the number of icons shown on screen at one point during the trailers, this hasnt changed. Because of their appearance elsewhere during the game-play footage a few of them are known; for example, the Assassin symbol is unsurprisingly a Brotherhood mission. The red symbol in the centre of the screenshot above is the mission objective and hopefully the mask symbols arent a mime pack but instead some sort of method of increase the players anonymity. The two people just right of the objective are probably part of some sort of recruitment but perhaps the most interesting symbol is the one about halfway down on the left. It certainly looks like a ships wheel. Does this mean that the ship mode from Assassins Creed III and IV is making an unexpected return? For a game based in Paris it wasnt expected, but there is little else that it could possibly be. If it is, then Ubisoft will be holding off announcing that deliberately in order to highlight the co-op mode and to spread the announcements over the next four-and-a-half months.