Assassin's Creed Unity: 10 Past Mistakes It Must Avoid

2. The Horrible Activity Known As Eavesdropping

Despite absolutely everyone in the known universe shouting at them, Ubisoft is quite content to stick their fingers in their ears and hum loudly whenever anybody mentions eavesdropping missions and how much we really don't like them. A stalwart of the Assassin's Creed series for years now, eavesdropping on randoms from afar has been irritating ever since its first introduction. These missions usually end in spectacular failure as you manage to jump off a roof by accident into the eyesight of the people you're following, leading to it starting all over again. These missions are designed mainly as a reason to keep control with the player while story exposition is dragged out by the characters you're following. Unfortunately most of the time you're too busy trying to navigate the environment and constantly reading messages telling you you're too close or too far away to pay much attention to what's going on or being said. In Unity, these missions need to go away forever. It isn't fun to follow people doing nothing and - despite their insistence that it remains in the series - Ubisoft really need to scrap these pointless missions altogether.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.