Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Review - 7 Ups & 4 Downs

10. Up: Visuals

assassins creed valhalla
Assassins Creed Valhalla

One of the stalwart features of an Assassin's Creed game is the visuals. The variety of landscapes covered over the years have been visually fantastic and Valhalla delivers once again.

The game covers a wide range of areas, from Norway to England, Asgard and Vinland. The creators delivered on each area and made them feel as realistic as possible. In Norway the snowy mountain peaks were perfect, down to the leaving of tracks in the snow behind you. England genuinely felt like the country down to the last blade of grass. It's amazing what throwing in some sheep, cows and foxes can do.

Asgard felt like the mystical magic place that it is but most impressive was the area known as Vinland. It is a basic area in which there are minimal buildings and it is largely just landscape. It is a visually stunning area and synchronising at the viewpoints is an absolute pleasure.

With the next generation of consoles being released, graphics were always going to improve. However, with this game, the graphics look phenomenal even on a PS4/Xbox One.


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