Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Review - 7 Ups & 4 Downs

9. Down: Glitches

assassins creed valhalla
Assassins Creed Valhalla

There is nothing worse than playing a game that is fantastic but struggles with irritating glitches. The creators have so much time to perfect these games but still miss out tiny anomalies. They don’t ruin the game but are annoying as hell.

Visual glitches can be irritating and in Valhalla you will encounter several. The first few you confront are relatively funny, such as your wolf running on its hind legs. It is when they lose their comic value and become annoying that the problems start. You want the ultimate gaming experience when playing, not a comedy sketch.

There are numerous glitches in gameplay. One example being when you try play a game of Orlog with your girlfriend (cute I know). It doesn’t allow you to play and eliminates the use of fast travel. Any progress you make after that point will not be saved. If you are unaware and complete a large portion of the game, you are going to be infuriated.

As stated earlier, glitches don’t ruin what is a great game but if they were removed it would be so much better.


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