Assassin's Creed: Victory - 10 Missing Unity Features That Must Return

9. Whistling Distractions

This might seem like the craziest thing to focus on here, but honestly who's played Unity and not yearned for the ability to simply whistle to attract an enemy? For some reason the newest Metal Gear went down this route as well, removing the wall-knock ability and making you regress to early Splinter Cell times of jumping on the spot to get someone's attention. It's worse in Unity though, as the collision detection is already spotty, but having to stock up on firecrackers just to get a guard who's a few feet away from you to come your way is ludicrous. A simple fix, and one that boggles the mind as to why it was removed in the first place, distractions are a key part of any stealth game and should remain as such going forward.
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