Avengers Video Game: 12 Essential Features It Must Have

4. Multiplayer Co-Op

In addition to the story mode, no AAA title would be complete without a multiplayer and co-op section to finish it up. It is extremely rare for the multiplayer modes to be as entertaining as the single-player campaign, and yet games like The Last of Us and GTA Online have somehow managed to make it work. For the Avengers, it may prove tough, but if any crew is up to the challenge, it's Naughty Dog. Set aside entire missions where two or more players can join in and play as their favorite Avenger, participating in these huge battles together. It would create a thrilling sense of community, where each player would be able to experience the thrill of perhaps executing their own variation of the fastball special with Hulk and Captain America. You could also throw in a separate mode, similar to capture the flag, where one side plays as supervillains and the other as superheroes, fighting for supremacy over New York. Or something like Titanfall, where you could use a variation of the Armor Wars storyline to create a mode with dozens of Iron Man armored characters flying around and getting into dogfights with each other. With a universe as vast as Marvel Comics, there's literally no limit to the unique multiplayer concepts you could dream up for the player to enjoy.
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The Avengers
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.