Avengers Video Game: 12 Essential Features It Must Have

5. On-The-Fly Character Switching

Within the framework of the Avengers film, the final battle on the streets of New York was a visual spectacle, and its impact was felt across numerous city blocks. The scale of the final battle was huge, which is something that needs to be brought into the game. One way to accomplish this is to use on-the-fly character switching, similar to Grand Theft Auto V, where you can switch to another character at any point in the game. These other characters may also appear organically on the map, maybe doing their own thing against a supervillain, creating a sense of randomness to the city. Each mission could be presented to the player with options, including which Avenger they want to bring with them, allowing them to customize how the powers of each character work together. Maybe you want the brute force of the Hulk with the technological wizardry of Iron Man, along with the chaos magic that Scarlet Witch will bring to the table. It all needs to feel just as sporadic and grand as the film, allowing the player to feel an intimate connection with the characters as they use each of them together.
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The Avengers
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.