Avengers Video Game: 12 Essential Features It Must Have

6. A Big Roster

As the scale of each subsequent comic book film grows, so too does the roster of characters being translated on-screen. While DC continues to load the Man of Steel sequel with more characters in an effort to bridge the gap to Justice League, Marvel is doing the same thing in the Avengers sequel. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are in the film, as well as rumors of Black Panther appearing in some form of a mid or end credits scene. It only makes sense for the game to begin expanding the roster even more. Previously, Marvel has done very well with a large roster in games, with Ultimate Alliance featuring well over 20 playable characters. While that number shrinks or grows depending on system exclusivity, it's a healthy number of heroes to mess around with. With the Avengers game, you'd have the obvious choices of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye. But consider for a moment that you can also add characters like Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Black Panther, Ms. Marvel, The Falcon, War Machine and who knows how many others.
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The Avengers
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Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.